Behind our work programme is a commitment to the values of sustainable development which takes seriously the economic, social, environmental and cultural parameters of the county. It is important to enshrine sustainable values within our own structures and practices. In practical terms:
Our projects are delivered collaboratively through building consensus and creating new partnerships
Open Data
We are committed to the principles of open data, publishing our own data in the public domain and encouraging others to do the same through the Data4Good campaign.
Local Solutions
Seeking local solutions by building capacity within Herefordshire to address the county’s needs.

In fulfilling our objectives we have three key approaches
We inspire others
We have a vision and we want to inspire others to share and deliver it with us. To achieve this we:
- Act as a Transformational Hub for the county, helping to build the county’s evidence base, identifying issues, working to achieve practical solutions and disseminating and encouraging best practice
- Co-launched the Data4Good campaign promoting the benefits of robust evidence in practical and effective decision-making
- Play a significant role in supporting policy development to embody sustainable practices by relating to the county’s strategic forums such as the Cultural Partnership, the Local Nature Partnership and the Economic Master Plan
We convene unique partnerships
The world is changing, acute public austerity and local devolution is transforming the way in which services are delivered. Since 2001 we have demonstrated an ability to create unique partnerships amongst statutory, private and third sector organisations to facilitate innovative responses and deliver joined-up solutions. Recent examples include:
- Co-ordinating Farm Herefordshire
- Providing the secretariat to the Sustainable Food and Tourism Partnership
- Working with Data Orchard to facilitate Herefordshire’s Quality of Life (QoL) Survey
- Forming the Apples & People exhibition partnership with the Museum of Cider and National Trust in Herefordshire
We deliver innovative projects
Our projects demonstrate sustainable approaches to the county’s needs, evaluating their effectiveness and promoting the outcomes. Our research builds the county’s evidence base. Sometimes we lead, on other occasions we play a supporting role. Our track record includes:
- A Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development Advocacy (MA SDA) in partnership with the University of Worcester
- EcoHere, a collaborative project with Community First and Herefordshire Council to integrate sustainable development targets into community planning
- The “Story of Sustainability”, a collaborative project with the Rural Media Company which taught young people how to make films on topics concerning sustainable development
- Our role in "Herefordshire's a Great Place," providing evidence of how culture supports community health and well-being