Swap Till You Drop
According to a WRAP report "clothing has the 4th largest environmental impact after housing, transport and food." It also states that the demand for cheap and cheerful "fast fashion" has meant that the carbon footprint of the UK clothing industry is getting worse.1
“Nobody uses the internet round here”
I’ve lost count of the number of times that people have told me we need to use paper, or face-to-face or phone contact to get in touch with Herefordians because: “...nobody uses the internet round here.”
Health & Harmony: the future for food, farming & environment in a Green Brexit
The Brightspace Foundation has responded to the Defra consultation on the future of farming and the environment: "Health and harmony: the future for food, farming and environment in a Green Brexit."
Do we need more houses in Herefordshire?
Housing is in the news
Housing issues have been in the news in Herefordshire with large new housing developments in some parts of the county and concerns about people sleeping rough in the city.